Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Stop, Thief!

My eldest son will start pre-school in the Fall.
This morning was his interview, if you will.
I’ll spare you (and me) all but one of the charming details…

Hand in hand we floated into the admission office.
We are welcomed with a cheery morning salutation.
Waving his arm, Luke boldly replies, “Stop thief!”

You see… The Tale of Peter Rabbit is a favorite.
We enjoy the tale several times a day.
His favorite part is when Peter comes round
the end of a cucumber frame and Mr. McGregor,
waving his rake, shouts, “Stop thief!”

At least he is well read and imaginative…


Papa Joe said...

Out of the mouth of a 3-year old. They say the darndest things.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to see something beside the snot picture at the top of your blog! Thank you!

Anonymous said...


I laughed out loud when I saw the second comment here. I thought the "snot" picture sent a message(cleverly) about the responsibilities of being a mother. I think your blog could be a book!

Aunt Diane

Anonymous said...

I hope he enjoys pre-school Hayden sure has and has changed so much since he started. I wish him and you the best.


jenni pappas said...

Exciting! (about pre-school). Funny! (about what Luke said). :)