Monday, October 19, 2009

Just A Post Card

It’s busy in our apartment.
We close this week and move on Saturday.
We have a two year old
with two teeth on the verge of breaking through.
I can see them. They taunt us.
I’m pregnant and fluctuate between tiredness and weariness.
So busy is our general state these days.
It was a delightful moment when my
onetruelove found this.

A postcard.
Written by my onetruelove on October 8, 2004
in New York
just less than a month before our wedding
and mailed to me in Washington, DC.
It reads

Priceless Camille,
Every day
From so far away
I long to show you
I love you
But from so far away
It’s hard to just say
And say and say…
Still 32 days-
Is too long to wait
My loveliest thought
I love you.

My onetruelove indeed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Priceless Treasure that forever
