Friday, February 12, 2010

Did You Hear Us?

Were you shopping at
Whole Foods this morning too?

Then you must have heard
that two year old singing
almost the top of his lungs
the theme song from
Bob the Builder...

each aisle.

It was us.
Actually, it was him.
I only sang with him once.

And did you see him
nab half a guy’s sample
slice of bread?

The baker woman handed
a nice man a big slice of
a fancy bread to try
and then came a little voice,
“I have some too, please?”
The nice man said sure
and before he knew it
a two year old
half of bread slice.

I won’t tell you if
a certain two year old
asked the nice man for more
when we spied him in line…


Anonymous said...

I wish I could have heard him. Owen would pat the arms, backs, whatever he could reach of other shoppers in the grocery store from his seat in the basket. He would then have something to say.

I love reading your blog.

Aunt Diane

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, I am late wishing you a happy birthday but I was thinking about you on your birthday. Thank you for letting me see your family and the blog. Aunt Genia